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These Peace Pointers™ are from our Peace Nouvella™ Newsletter archived by month on our Publications page.
If you would like to receive these messages directly as inner peace reminders be sure to ask to be connected via our Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Linkedin weblinks shown below under Innernet Connections™.



May a new peace be scripted in your heart co-authored with God  - a Peace Nouvella™   – Alice Yeager 

There is a Light so bright within that it can never contain you.  It is meant to radiantly be extended to others as the Thought of Love Itself.  – Alice Yeager 

It is quite possible for joy to last forever once unjoyfulness is taken out of the equation.   The equation is love=peace=joy.  No matter what the descriptive tense, verb, adverb, noun, adjective or dangling participle that we use to express more joy, compared to less, it is still all communication that can bless.  Excerpt from the book We the People, Co-creating Inner Peace  – Alice Yeager  

"Let us call this a day of freedom in order to restore our sanity to reason. The reason we gather is not to hear proclamations of what has come before.  It is instead to hear the inner voice for peace – now and forever more."
- TOWNCRIER's words excerpted from the Peace Nouvella Players™ production of the play 
A Capital Idea by Alice Yeager

The goal of the curriculum, regardless of the teacher you choose, is "Know thyself."  
– A Course in Miracles T-8.III.5.   

Socrates said, "There is no disease of the body apart from the mind."  To add to those words "Health is the result of relinquishing all attempts to use the body lovelessly...Yet, sickness is not of the body, but of the mind.  All forms of sickness are signs that the mind is split, and does not accept a unified purpose."
– A Course in Miracles, T-8.VIII.9:9 & T-8.IX.8:6-7

Only your misperceptions stand in your way. Without them your choice is certain. "Many are called but few are chosen"  should be, "All are called but few choose to listen." Right minds can do this now, and they will find rest unto their souls. God knows you only in peace, and this is your reality.
– A Course in Miracles T:3.IV.7.8-9,12-13,16-17  

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